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About the workshop

Incursion by invasive alien species (IAS) poses environmental, economic, human health and political consequences. These impacts are expected to increase further with the rapidly expanding global trade, travel and transport of goods. Target 9 of the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 stresses the importance of identification and prioritization of IAS and pathways and management of priority species (  


Assessment of the economic and ecological impacts of IAS is crucial in raising awareness on the issue and draw support to prevent new incursions and develop environmentally benign and cost-effective management techniques. There have been several studies to identify IAS in India although none of these can be considered to be comprehensive in any sense. However, attempts to quantify the impacts due to IAS have been rare even in cases where the perceived impacts are significant. Regional cooperation (in terms of exchange of information/sharing of resources) is highly warranted to prevent new invasions and combat the ill effects of IAS. It is hoped that by 2020, we would be able to identify all the IAS and their pathways in India and develop strategies to manage them as provided in the National Biodiversity Target 4.


This workshop is being held at the Indian Statistical Institute as a part of the celebrations of the 125th Birth Anniversary of Professor P. C. Mahalanobis, the founder of this Institute. The workshop is expected to provide an excellent platform for experts and practitioners to join and share outcomes of their research and discuss novel ideas on management of IAS. Towards this end, this workshop will feature practical sessions on distribution mapping and application of statistical approaches in visualizing and understanding invasive species data. Overall, it is hoped that the outcomes of this workshop may add richly to our efforts in understanding the fundamental principles of invasion ecology and implementing management strategies as well.

Commemorating 125th Birth Anniversary of

Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis

June 29, 2017 - 2018

Submit Abstract

Interested participants can submit their research abstract related to the workshop themes. ABSTRACT submission is now CLOSED...


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Invited Speakers

The updated list of the invited speakers is now available. 


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