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  • Do we have precise estimates of the ecological and economic impact?

  • What methods are available to do this?

  • How are the results disseminated to the resource managers and decision makers?

  • Is there a need to improve our capacity to do this?

Quantification of Ecological and Economic impact of invasive alien species

  • Has the risk assessment been undertaken in the species of interest?

  • What are the protocols available to do this?

  • Has the protocols been adapted to the Indian condition?  

Risk Analysis

  • Do we really know the pathways of introduction of the major invasive species of concern?

  • Has this information been used to check future invasions?

  • How could this information be used to sensitize the line departments?

Pathways of biological invasions

  • How strong is the statistical treatment of invasive alien species data?

  • Does the research team include statisticians?

  • How best can partnerships between invasive species biologists/ecologists and statisticians in India?

Statistical methods in invasive species research

  • Do we have precise knowledge of why success (rarely) and failure (quite often) happen in the management of invasive alien species?

  • What are the lessons learned?

Success stories and failures in invasive species management

Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 5

Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5

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